How To Make St. John’s Wort Oil For Discopathy

How To Make St. John's Wort Oil For Discopathy

In this post you can learn how to make St. John’s wort oil for discopathy, painful joints and to treat various skin conditions.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a flowering plant that has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions, particularly those related to mental health. It is native to Europe and Asia but has become naturalized in many parts of the world. It is traditionally harvested in summer time between June and September. You can read more about health benefits of St. John’s wort here.

How do we collect St. John’s wort flowers for making oil?

If you want to be sure that what you are going to collect is St. John’s wort, it is very easy to recognize it by taking one leaf and simply looking at it against the light. In this leaf you will see tiny holes, as if someone had poked holes with a pin, and these are the oil cells of St. John’s wort.

At the end of June or at the beginning of July, you can collect yellow flowers by simply plucking them with your hands. I collect them only in wicker basket or paper bag. They must be fully developed. St. John’s wort usually grows in large clumps, so its flowers are harvested very quickly. This will be the raw material for making St. John’s wort oil.

Why you shouldn’t buy this oil, but make it yourself?

First of all, it is expensive. Secondly, very often you can find oil that is not really the right St. John’s wort oil. Often it is straw, brown, beige in color, but not red. Because this St. John’s wort oil was made from dried St. John’s wort. Not even flowers, but herbs. And such oil does not have the slightest medicinal properties that we are looking for. When you make it yourself, its characteristic red color resembles blood.

How To Make St. John’s Wort Oil For Discopathy

1. Fill the jar halfway with flowers. The flowers do not need to be beaten, fill the jar loosely.

2. Because St. John’s wort flowers contain hyperosite, hypericin and hyperforin, which are dissolved in alcohol, we first need to spray our flowers with 40-75% alcohol. Shake it off and do it again. You can close the jar, shake it thoroughly.

3. Pour oil over the same amount of St. John’s wort flowers, approximately half a jar. You can choose grape seed oil or cold-pressed sunflower oil. In any case, it must be a light oil that will be used for massage later. It cannot be linseed oil or any other heavy oil, because the massage will not be performed well later.

How To Make St. John's Wort Oil For Discopathy

4. Leave the jar with St. John’s wort flowers in oil in a sunny place. It stays here until autumn. Every sunny day I put it on the terrace, in the sun.

5. Shake it every day.

How To Make St. John's Wort Oil For Discopathy

6. Strain it through a white cotton cloth and squeeze it thoroughly to recover everything from the flowers.

How to use St. John’s wort oil?

1. The Breuss massage for rubbing into the entire length of the spine.

This red oil with miraculous properties penetrates into the intervertebral discs, inhibiting their dehydration and degeneration. And it turns out that discopathy is reversible. Austrian naturotherapist Rudolf Breuss (1899-1990) helped thousands of sick people in this way, and now his work is being continued by qualified massage therapists. ” There are no worn-out intervertebral discs, only degenerated ones, which can be re-hydrated and revitalized” – R Breuss. (4)

2. To rub into painful joints.

It is best to put the oil in a pot with hot water first, so that the oil warms up a little. Simply pour it into the palm of your hand and rub it into the painful joints. If your knees or ankles hurt, you pour this oil into your hands several times a day and thoroughly massage these painful areas.

3. It can also be used for compresses, if we have any ulcers or any diseased skin.

You can simply rub it into these sick places. It may be used to treat various skin conditions like rashes, eczema, acne, rosacea, minor injuries, bruises, nerve pain, muscle pain, Achilles tendon, minor wounds and burns. It tends to be drying and cooling when applied topically and has been used to support the regeneration of nerve cells. (3)

Health Benefits of St. John’s Wort

The information here is provided for informational purposes only. It is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. It is in no way intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. (Read more)


  1. Hypericum perforatum: Traditional uses, clinical trials, and drug interactions –
  2. A review of issues of nomenclature and taxonomy of Hypericum perforatum L. and Kew’s Medicinal Plant Names Services –
  3. The effects of Tendoflex® (polytendon complex) and Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort oil) on repaired Achilles tendon healing in rats –
  4. “Porady naturoterapeutki Barbary Kazany”, Barbara Kazana, częśc 2, Łódz 2022
  5. Olej z kwiatów dziurawca – Oleum Hyperici (Johanniskrautöl) i ziele dziurawca – Herba Hyperici w fitoterapii –