Homemade Propolis Tincture Recipe
Here’s a simple recipe to make your own homemade propolis tincture at home.
Propolis is a resin-like substance produced by bees from tree buds, sap, or other plant sources. It has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective natural remedy for various health issues, including skin conditions.
Homemade Propolis Tincture Recipe
Materials and Ingredients:
– 10 grams of raw propolis (preferably from a trusted local beekeeper)
– 100 ml of alcohol, such as 90% spirit (or at least 60% alcohol content)
– Glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
– A small piece of cheesecloth or a coffee filter for straining the tincture
1. Chop the propolis into small pieces or crush it using a mortar and pestle or a rolling pin. Be sure not to breathe in the powder, as it may contain tiny bee particles.
2. Transfer the chopped or crushed propolis to a clean, dry glass jar.
3. Pour the alcohol over the propolis in the jar, ensuring that it covers the substance completely.
4. Stir the mixture gently with a non-metal spoon or a chopstick to ensure that all the propolis is coated with alcohol.
5. Close the jar tightly with a lid and store it in a cool, dark place for 1-2 weeks. Shake the jar every day to help the propolis dissolve into the alcohol.
6. After the infusion period, strain the tincture using cheesecloth or a coffee filter placed over a clean bowl or another container. Squeeze out any remaining liquid from the solids gently.
7. Transfer the strained tincture to a dark glass bottle or a dropper bottle for storage. Discard the solid residue.
8. Store the propolis tincture in a cool, dry place away from sunlight for up to 2 years. The shelf life may vary depending on the quality of the starting material and the alcohol content.
Since propolis is not a pharmaceutical product there are no official dosages, but some suppliers do provide general recommendations for usage.
It can also be used externally for brushing mucous membranes and skin, in addition, for poultices on ailing areas (1 teaspoon of tincture per 100 ml of boiled water). It can also be diluted in a bit of water to use as a mouth rinse. Brush herpes, impetigo, abscesses, thrush, eczema with undiluted propolis.
Bee products may cause an allergic reaction in some people. For those with allergies to bee pollen, consult your healthcare provider before using propolis tincture for therapeutic purposes. Bee products should not be fed to infants under one year of age.
The information here is provided for informational purposes only. It is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. It is in no way intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. (Read more)
- National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus. Propolis.
- Rojczyk, Ewa et. al. (2020) Historical and modern research on propolis and its application in wound healing and other fields of medicine and contributions by Polish studies
- Propolis – https://rozanski.li/16/propolis-wlasciwosci-lecznicze/
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