4 Super Seeds And Their Benefits

super seeds

4 Super Seeds And Their Benefits

There are 4 super seeds we should eat every day. Seeds are incredibly rich in essential fats, minerals, vitamin E and protein.

Flax Seeds

  • small, brown, tan or golden-colored seeds
  • the richest sources of a plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  • high in magnesium, good amount of vitamin B6, iron, potassium, copper and zinc
  • high in antioxidants – lignans – are unique fiber-related polyphenols that provide us with antioxidant benefits for anti-aging, hormone balance and cellular health. Polyphenols support the growth of probiotics in the gut and may also help eliminate yeast and candida in the body
  • ability to promote digestive health. The ALA in flax can help protect the lining of the digestive tract and help reduce gut inflammation. You can also take 1-3Tbsp of flax seed oil with 8oz of carrot juice to help naturally relieve constipation
  • extremely high in fiber. Two tablespoons of flax seeds contains about 5 g of fiber or 1/4 of the RDA. Fiber can support colon detoxification, fat loss and reduce sugar cravings
  • may stunt tumor growth
  • give you clear skin, naturally reduce cholesterol levels.

sunflower seeds

Sunflower Seeds

  • black with white stripes
  • provide a healthy source of essential fatty acids such as linolenic, oleic and palmitic. Since these seeds have a very high oil content, they are one of the main sources used to produce polyunsaturated oil
  • an outstanding source of vitamin E. A quarter of a cup provides 62% of the RDA for vitamin E, also known as tocopherol. This potent antioxidant performs a myriad of important functions in the body. They are also an excellent source of manganese, copper and good source of magnesium, vitamins B1, B6, and folate
  • contain one of the highest levels of phytosterols of commonly consumed seeds. Phytosterols are beneficial for your heart health and immune system, and may help lower cancer risk as well.

Pumpkin Seeds

  • flat, dark green seeds
  • one of the best sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid or ALA)
  • 1/4 cup provide over 50 percent of your daily requirement for manganese and almost 50 percent of your magnesium requirement, good source of zinc, copper, vitamin K
  • have long been valued as an important natural food for men’s health. Because of their high zinc content pumpkin seeds may be particularly beneficial in supporting prostate health
  • rich in healthy fats, antioxidants and fibers, may provide benefits for heart and liver health, particularly when mixed with flax seeds.

Sesame Seeds

  • different sizes and colors, including white, golden brown, black, yellow and beige varieties, which have a nutty taste and a crunchy texture
  • powerhouse of organic minerals, especially calcium. Whole sesame seeds contain about 88 mg of calcium per tablespoon of seeds. Just a quarter cup of natural sesame seeds provides more calcium than a whole cup of milk
  • full of magnesium, copper, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber
  • they offer the most nutritional value when the entire seed is used (un-hulled)
  • rank highest in cholesterol-lowering phytosterols of nearly all nuts, seeds, legumes and grains. Improve blood pressure, balance hormones, help burn fat.

Make 4 super seeds formula mix and eat every day.

4 Super Seeds Formula Mix

The information here is provided for informational purposes only. It is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. It is in no way intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. No responsibility is assumed by the author for the use of this information and no guarantees of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the recommendations provide. By using this site you agree to these terms. (Read more)


  1.  Patrick Holford (2010) The Optimum Nutrition Bible. Great Britain: Piatkus
  2. The world’s healthiest foods: Sunflower seeds

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